I1.01: Overview
Topic I—Linear and Quadratic Models
- Recognize when a dataset shows a relationship between the variables that is approximately linear.
- Use a spreadsheet to adjust the intercept and slope parameters of a linear formula so that the graph of corresponding points on the resulting line are close to the points graphed from a data set.
- Use linear formula that best fits the data as a model for the data, predicting the output y value for any specified input x value.
- Recognize when a dataset shows a relationship between the variables that is approximately quadratic.
- Use a spreadsheet to adjust the location and scale parameters of a quadratic formula so that the graph of corresponding points on the resulting parabola are close to the points graphed from a data set.
- Use the quadratic formula that best fits the data as a model for the data, predicting the output y value for any specified input x value.
- Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate extrapolation of a model.