Complex Numbers
Introduction to Complex Numbers
A complex number has the form , where and are real numbers and is the imaginary unit.Learning Objectives
Describe the properties of complex numbers and the complex planeKey Takeaways
Key Points
- A complex number is a number that can be expressed in the form , where and are real numbers and is the imaginary unit.
- The real number is called the real part of the complex number and is denoted . The real number is called the imaginary part of and is denoted .
Key Terms
- real number: An element of the set of real numbers. The set of real numbers include the rational numbers and the irrational numbers, but not all complex numbers.
- imaginary number: a number of the form , where is a real number and the imaginary unit
- complex: a number, of the form , where and are real numbers and is the square root of .
The Complex Number System
A complex number is a number that can be put in the form where and are real numbers and is called the imaginary unit, where . In this expression, is called the real part and the imaginary part of the complex number. We will write to indicate the real part of the complex number, and to indicate the imaginary part. For example, to indicate that the real part of the number is , we would write . To indicate that the imaginary part of is , we would write . Complex numbers extend the idea of the one-dimensional number line to the two-dimensional complex plane by using the horizontal axis for the real part and the vertical axis for the imaginary part. The complex number can be identified with the point . Thus, for example, complex number would be associated with the point and would be plotted in the complex plane as shown below.Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers
Complex numbers can be added and subtracted by adding the real parts and imaginary parts separately.Learning Objectives
Calculate the sums and differences of complex numbers by adding the real parts and the imaginary parts separatelyKey Takeaways
Key Points
- Complex numbers can be added and subtracted to produce other complex numbers. This is done by adding the corresponding real parts and the corresponding imaginary parts.
- It is possible for two non-real complex numbers to add to a real number. However, two real numbers can never add to be a non-real complex number.
Sums of Complex Numbers
Complex numbers can be added and subtracted to produce other complex numbers. This is done by adding the corresponding real parts and the corresponding imaginary parts. For example, the sum of and can be calculated by adding the two real parts and the two imaginary parts to produce the complex number . Note that this is always possible since the real and imaginary parts are real numbers, and real number addition is defined and understood. As another example, consider the sum of and . In this case, we would add and to produce and also would add and to produce . Thus we would write:Differences (Subtraction) of Complex Numbers
In a similar fashion, complex numbers can be subtracted. The key again is to combine the real parts together and the imaginary parts together, this time by subtracting them. Thus to compute: we would compute obtaining for the real part, and calculate for the imaginary part. We would thus write . Note that the same thing can be accomplished by imagining that you are distributing the subtraction sign over the sum and then adding as defined above. Thus you could write: Note that it is possible for two non-real complex numbers to add to a real number. For example, . However, two real numbers can never add to be a non-real complex number.Multiplication of Complex Numbers
Complex numbers can be multiplied using the FOIL algorithm.Learning Objectives
Calculate the product of complex numbers using FOIL and the properties ofKey Takeaways
Key Points
- The imaginary unit has the property that
- Complex numbers can be multiplied using the FOIL algorithm
The Square of the Imaginary Unit
In the following calculations, it is important to remember that . It is best to not let this fact confuse you, but to just remember it as a fact. Any time an appears in a calculation, it can be replaced by the real numberMultiplying Complex Numbers
Two complex numbers can be multiplied to become another complex number. The key to performing the multiplication is to remember the acronym FOIL, which stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. Thus, we multiply and by writing and multiplying the First terms and , and then the Outer terms and and then the Inner terms and and then the Last terms and . Note that this last multiplication yields a real number, since: Note that the FOIL algorithm produces two real terms (from the First and Last multiplications) and two imaginary terms (from the Outer and Inner multiplications). We then combine these to write our complex number in standard form. Thus we have: . For example, consider the product . We would compute: \begin {align}(2+3i)(4+5i)&=8+10i+12i-15 \\&=(8-15)+(10+12)i \\&=-7+22i \end {align} As another example, consider the product: \begin {align}(1-i)(2+4i)&=1\cdot 2 +1\cdot 4i -2 i -(4i^2) \\&= 2+2i-(-4) \\&=6+2i \end {align} Note that if a number has a real part of , then the FOIL method is not necessary. For example: \begin {align}(0+5i)(2+5i)&=5i(2+5i) \\&= 10i+25i^2 \\&=-25+10i \end {align} Similarly, a number with an imaginary part of is easily multiplied as this example shows: Note that it is possible for two nonreal complex numbers to multiply together to be a real number. For example: \begin {align} (2-3i)(2+3i)&=4+6i-6i-9i^2 \\&=4+9 \\&=13 \end {align}Complex Numbers and the Binomial Theorem
Powers of complex numbers can be computed with the the help of the binomial theorem.Learning Objectives
Connect complex numbers raised to a power to the binomial theoremKey Takeaways
Key Points
- The binomial theorem can be used to compute powers of complex numbers. To compute we consider the expression where and .
- The powers of are , , , and , etc.
The Powers of
In what follows, it is useful to keep in mind the powers of the imaginary unit : \begin {align}i^1&=i \\i^2&=-1 \\i^3&=-i \\i^4&=1 \end {align} After that, they repeat, since .Computing Powers of Complex Numbers
Powers of complex numbers can be computed with the the help of the binomial theorem. Recall the binomial theorem, which tells how to compute powers of a binomial like . It says: For example, consider the case We have: We can use this to compute the fourth power of a complex number by letting and . Then we have: Now recalling the powers of , we have: If we gather the real terms and the imaginary terms, we have the complex number:Example 1
Suppose you wanted to compute . Using the previous example as a guide, we have: which can be written as:Example 2
Suppose you wanted to compute . Using the binomial theorem directly, this can be written as: which can be simplified to:Example 3
Suppose you wanted to compute . Recall that the binomial coefficients (from the 5th row of Pascal's triangle) are Using the binomial theorem directly, we have: This can in turn be written as:Complex Conjugates
The complex conjugate of the number is . Two complex conjugates of each other multiply to be a real number with geometric significance.Learning Objectives
Explain how to find a complex number's conjugate and what it is used forKey Takeaways
Key Points
- The complex conjugate of is , and vice versa.
- Two complex conjugates multiply together to be the square of the length of the complex number.
- If a complex number is a root of a polynomial equation, then its complex conjugate is a root as well.
Key Terms
- modulus: The length of a complex number,
- complex conjugate: For the number , this is .
Complex Conjugates
The complex conjugate (sometimes just called the conjugate) of a complex number is the complex number . Thus, for example, the conjugate of is and the conjugate of is . Since the conjugate of a conjugate is the original complex number, we say that the two numbers are conjugates of each other. The symbol for the complex conjugate of is . So, we might write:The Product of Two Conjugates
The product of two conjugates is always a real number. Note that: This number has a geometric significance.
Complex Roots Come in Conjugate Pairs
One important fact about conjugates is that whenever a complex number is a root of polynomial, its complex conjugate is a root as well. This can be seen in the quadratic formula whenever the discriminant is negative. For example, consider the equation: By the quadratic formula, the roots are Simplifying gives the two complex numbers and , which are complex conjugates of each other.Division of Complex Numbers
Division of complex numbers is accomplished by multiplying by the multiplicative inverse of the denominator. The multiplicative inverse of isLearning Objectives
Use the complex conjugate to divide complex numbersKey Takeaways
Key Points
- Division of complex numbers is accomplished by multiplying by the multiplicative inverse of the denominator.
- The multiplicative inverse of the complex number is
- If and are complex numbers, we have
Multiplicative Inverses of Complex Numbers
We have seen how to add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers, but it remains to learn how to divide them. The key is to think of division by a number as multiplying by the multiplicative inverse of . You are probably already familiar with this concept for ordinary real numbers: dividing by is the same as multiplying by , dividing by 3 is the same as multiplying by , and so on. Algebraically, we write . For complex numbers, the multiplicative inverse can be deduced using the complex conjugate. We have already seen that multiplying a complex number with its complex conjugate gives the real number . Thus, we have , and dividing through by gives: So the multiplicative inverse of must be the complex conjugate of divided by its modulus squared. We can writeExample 1
The multiplicative inverse of is: To see that this is correct, we can multiply these numbers to see if we get the multiplicative identity number . Using FOIL, we have: \begin {align}(1+2i)((1/5)-(2/5)i) &= 1/5 -(2/5)i+(2/5)i+4/5 \\&=1/5+4/5 \\&=1 \end {align}Example 2
The multiplicative inverse of is: Again, checking through multiplication, we have: \begin {align}(3-4i)((3/25)+(4/25)i&=9/25 -(12/25)i+(12/25)i+16/25 \\&=\frac{25}{25} \\&=1 \end {align}Division of Complex Numbers
Suppose you wanted to divide the complex number by the number . Since dividing by is the same as multiplying by the multiplicative inverse (which we have seen above is ), we have: If we multiply out (FOIL) this last expression we obtain: In general, for complex numbers and , we have As an example, let's use this formula directly to compute \begin {align}\frac{1-i}{3-4i} &= (1-i)\cdot\frac{3+4i}{9+16} \\&=(1-i)((3/25)+(4/25)i) \end {align} This multiplies out to be \begin {align}(1-i)((3/25)+(4/25)i) &= 3/25 +(4/25)i-(3/25)i+4/25 \\&= 7/25 + (1/25)i \end {align}Complex Numbers in Polar Coordinates
Complex numbers can be represented in polar coordinates using the formula . This leads to a way to visualize multiplying and dividing complex numbers geometrically.Learning Objectives
Explain how to represent complex numbers in polar coordinates and why it is useful to do soKey Takeaways
Key Points
- The complex number can be written where is the modulus of , and is the angle that the line segment from the origin to makes with the horizontal.
- Using polar coordinates, it becomes easier to multiply and divide complex numbers, using the geometric interpretation as a guide.