There are rules for operating on numbers with exponents that make it easy to simplify and solve problems.
Learning Objectives
Explain and implement the rules for operating on numbers with exponents
Key Takeaways
Key Points
The rule am⋅an=am+n applies when multiplying two exponential expressions with the same base, provided the base is a non-zero integer.
The rule anam=am−n applies when dividing two exponential expressions with the same base, provided the base is a non-zero integer.
The rule (an)m=an⋅m applies when raising an exponential expression to another exponent for any non-zero integer a.
The rule (ab)n=anbnapplies when raising a product to an exponent for any non-zero integers a and b.
Key Terms
base: In an exponential expression, the value that is multiplied by itself.
exponent: In an exponential expression, the value raised above the base; represents the number of times the base must be multiplied by itself.
There are several useful rules for operating on numbers with exponents. The following four rules, also known as "identities," hold for all integer exponents, provided that the base is non-zero.
Multiplying Exponential Expressions with the Same Base
am⋅an=am+nam means that you have m factors of a. If you multiply this quantity by an, i.e. by n additional factors of a, then you have am+n factors in total. For example:
Note that you can only add exponents in this way if the corresponding terms have the same base.
Dividing Exponential Expressions with the Same Base
In the same way that am⋅an=am+n because you are adding on factors of a, dividing removes factors of a. If you have n factors of a in the denominator, then you can cross out n factors from the numerator. If there were m factors in the numerator, now you have (m−n) factors in the numerator.
In order to visualize this process, consider the fraction:
This fraction can be rewritten as:
Here you can see that two 3s will cancel out from the numerator and denominator. We are left with:
As an additional example:
Raising an Exponential Expression to an Exponent
If you think about an exponent as telling you that you have a certain number of factors of the base, then (an)m means that you have factors m of an. Therefore, you have m groups of an, and each one of those has n groups of a. Therefore, you have m groups of n groups of a; therefore, you have n⋅m groups of a, or an⋅m. For example:
Raising a Product to an Exponent
You can multiply numbers in any order you please. Instead of multiplying together n factors equal to ab, you could multiply all of the as together and all of the bs together and then finish by multiplying an by bn. For example:
Simplify the following expression: (3⋅2)3⋅(25)4
For the first part of the expression, apply the rule for a product raised to an exponent:
For the last part of the expression, apply the rule for raising an exponential expression to an exponent:
Notice that two of the terms in this expression have the same base: 2. These two terms can be combined by applying the rule for multiplying exponential expressions with the same base:
Therefore, 33⋅223 is the simplified form of this expression.
Negative Exponents
Numbers with negative exponents are treated normally in arithmetic operations and can be rewritten as fractions.
Learning Objectives
Relate negative exponents to fractions and work with them accordingly
Key Takeaways
Key Points
An exponential expression with a negative integer in the exponent can be rewritten as a fraction by applying the rule b−n=bn1.
The rules for operating on numbers with exponents still apply when the exponent is a negative integer.
Solving mathematical problems involving negative exponents may seem daunting. However, negative exponents are treated much like positive exponents when applying the rules for operations. There is an additional rule that allows us to change the negative exponent to a positive one in the denominator of a fraction, and it holds true for any real numbers n and b, where b=0:
For example:
To understand how this rule is derived, consider the following fraction:
We can rewrite this as:
We then notice that three 7s cancel from both the numerator and denominator, and we are left with:
Note that if we apply the rule for division of numbers with exponents, we have:
Thus, we can identify that:
This rule makes it possible to simplify expressions with negative exponents.
Note that each of the rules for operations on numbers with exponents still apply when the exponent is a negative number. For example, consider the rule for multiplying two exponential expressions with the same base. The following is true:
Simplify the following expression: (2−4)2.
Note that the rule for raising an exponential expression to another exponent can be applied:
This can be simplified using the rule for negative exponents:
Simplify the following expression: (3−2⋅34)−3.
Recall that the rule for multiplying two exponential expressions with the same base can be applied. Therefore, we can simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
Now place this value back into the parentheses, and apply the rule for raising an exponential expression to an exponent:
Rational Exponents
Rational exponents are another method for writing radicals and can be used to simplify expressions involving both exponents and roots.
Learning Objectives
Relate rational exponents to radicals and the rules for manipulating them
Key Takeaways
Key Points
If b is a positive real number and n is a positive integer, then there is exactly one positive real solution to xn=b. This solution is called the principal nth root of b, denoted nb or bn1.
A power of a positive real number b with a rational exponent nm in lowest terms satisfies bnm=(bm)n1=nbm.
The rule for multiplying numbers with rational exponents is nab=na⋅nb.
The rule for dividing numbers with rational exponents is nba=nbna.
Writing an expression in the form bnmcan allow you to simplify by cancelling powers and roots.
Key Terms
root: A number that when raised to a specified power yields the specified number or expression.
rational number: A real number that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers.
exponent: The power raised above the base, representing the number of times the base must be multiplied by itself.
A rational exponent is a rational number that provides another method for writing roots. For example, an nth root of a number b is a number x such that xn=b. If b is a positive real number and n is a positive integer, then there is exactly one positive real solution to xn=b. This solution is called the nth root of b and is denoted nb or bn1. For example: 4=421=2.
There are also cases where the exponent is a fraction nm, where m is an integer and n is a positive integer. In such cases, the exponent acts as both a whole number exponent and a root, or fraction exponent. In other words, the following holds true:
where b is a real number and the rational exponent nm is a fraction in lowest terms.
The following rules hold true about the signs of roots and rational exponents. For a rational exponent nm, where nm is in lowest terms:
The root is positive if m is even; for example, (−27)32=9.
The root is negative for negative b if m and n are odd; for example, (−27)31=−3.
The root can be either sign if b is positive and n is even; for example, 6421has two roots: 8 and −8.
Note that since there is no real number x such that x2=−1, the definition of bnm when b is negative and n is even must involve the imaginary number i.
The following are rules for operations on numbers with rational exponents.
Multiplying Numbers with Rational Exponents
The following holds true for any rational exponent:
For example, we can rewrite 316 as a product:
Notice that 38=2, and therefore we have:
Dividing Numbers with Rational Exponents
The following holds true for any rational exponent:
For example, we can rewrite 913 as a fraction with two radicals:
Notice that the denominator can be simplified further:
Therefore, the simplified form is:
Canceling Powers and Roots
In some cases, writing an exponent in its fraction form makes it easier to cancel powers and roots. Recall that nbm=(bm)n1=bnm. We can use this rule to easily simplify a number that has both an exponent and a root.
For example, consider 458. This would take a long time to work out by hand, but consider how it can be rewritten using a rational exponent:
We can simplify the fraction in the exponent to 2, giving us 52=25.
Example 1
Simplify the following expression:
This expression can be rewritten using the rule for dividing numbers with rational exponents:
Notice that the radical in the denominator is a perfect square and can therefore be rewritten as follows:
Now, notice that the numerator can be rewritten:
Therefore, the simplified form is:
Example 2
Simplify the following expression:
First, rewrite the numerator and denominator in rational exponent form:
Notice that the exponent in the denominator can be simplified:
Recall the rule for dividing numbers with exponents, in which the exponents are subtracted. Applying the division rule, we have:
Thus, the simplified form is simply 72=49.
Scientific Notation
Scientific notation is used to express a very large or small number in the form m⋅10n, where m has only one digit left of the decimal point.
Learning Objectives
Explain why scientific notation is useful in performing calculations with large or small numbers
Key Takeaways
Key Points
Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers that are too big or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form.
In normalized scientific notation, the exponent n is chosen so that the absolute value of m remains at least 1 but less than 10 (1≤∣m∣<10)—i. e. so that m has exactly one digit left of its decimal point.
When numbers written in scientific notation are involved in multiplication or division, the standard rules for operations with exponentiation apply. When addition or subtraction is involved, the numbers must first be rewritten so the exponents are the same.
Most calculators present very large and very small results in scientific notation. Because superscripted exponents like 107 cannot always be conveniently displayed, the letter E or e is often used to represent "times ten raised to the power of" (which would be written as "⋅10b").
Key Terms
scientific notation: A method of writing or of displaying real numbers as a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by an integer power of 10.
normalized scientific notation: A number written in scientific notation m⋅10n such that the absolute value of m remains at least 1 but less than 10.
Scientific notation, also known as "standard form," is a way to more conveniently write numbers that are very large or very small. This method is commonly used by mathematicians, scientists, and engineers.
For example, the numbers 43,000,000,000,000,000,000 (the number of different possible configurations of a Rubik's cube) and 0.000000000000000000000340 (the mass of the amino acid tryptophan) are extremely inconvenient to write and read. Therefore, they can be rewritten as a power of 10 using scientific notation.
Scientific notation is written as follows:
This is read "m times 10 raised to the power of n."
How to Use Scientific Notation
To write a number in scientific notation:
Move the decimal point so that there is one nonzero digit to its left.
Multiply the result by a power of 10 using an exponent whose absolute value is the number of places the decimal point was moved. Make the exponent positive if the decimal point was moved to the left and negative if the decimal point was moved to the right.
For example, let's write the number 43,500 in scientific notation. There are four digits in this number, so the decimal should be moved 4 places to the left to leave one nonzero digit left of the decimal point:
The exponent is -4 because the decimal point was moved to the left (the exponent would be positive had the decimal been moved to the right) by exactly 4 places.A number written in scientific notation can also be converted to standard form by reversing the process described above. For example, let's write the number 2.15⋅10−3 in standard form:
To reverse the process, we move the decimal point three places to the left, adding leading zeroes where necessary.
Normalized Scientific Notation
Any given number can be written in the form of m⋅10n in many ways; for example, 350 can be written as 3.5⋅102 or 35⋅101or 350⋅100, etc.
In normalized scientific notation, also called exponential notation, the exponent n is chosen so that the absolute value of m remains at least 1 but less than 10. In other words, 1≤∣m∣<10. This form allows easy comparison of two numbers of the same sign with m as a base, as the exponent n gives the number's order of magnitude.
Following these rules, 350 would always be written as 3.5⋅102 and 0.015 would always be written as 1.5⋅10−2. Note that 0 cannot be written in normalized scientific notation since it cannot be expressed as m⋅10n or any non-zero m.
Normalized scientific form is the typical form of expression for large numbers in many fields, except during intermediate calculations or when an unnormalized form, such as engineering notation, is desired.
Calculations involving Scientific Notation
When numbers written in scientific notation are multiplied or divided, the standard rules for operations with exponentiation apply. For example:
\displaystyle (3.12 \cdot 10^2) \cdot (4.06 \cdot 10^5) &= 3.12 \cdot 4.06 \cdot 10^{\left(2+5\right)}
\\&=12.67 \cdot 10^7
\\&=1.267 \cdot 10^8
\displaystyle \frac{1.85 \cdot 10^3}{4.25 \cdot 10^{-2}} &=
\frac{1.85}{4.25} \cdot 10^{3-(-2)}
\\&=.435 \cdot 10^5
\\&= 4.35 \cdot 10^4
When numbers written in scientific notation are added to or subtracted from each other, the terms first must be rewritten so the exponents are the same. Then, the constant value, or m, can simply be added or subtracted. For example:
(3.12 \cdot 10^6)+(1.24 \cdot 10^7)&=
(3.12 \cdot 10^6)+(12.4 \cdot 10^6)
\\&= 15.52 \cdot 10^6
E Notation
Most calculators and many computer programs present very large and very small results in scientific notation. Because superscripted exponents like 107 cannot always be conveniently displayed, the letter E or e is often used to represent the phrase "times ten raised to the power of" (which would be written as "⋅10n") and is followed by the value of the exponent. Note that in this usage, the character e is not related to the mathematical constant e or the exponential function ex (a confusion that is less likely if a capital E is used), and though it stands for exponent, the notation is usually referred to as (scientific) E notation or (scientific) e notation, rather than (scientific) exponential notation. The use of this notation is not encouraged by publications, however.
Wade Ellis and Denny Burzynski, Basic Operations with Real Numbers: Scientific Notation. September 17, 2013.Provided by: OpenStax CNXLocated at: CC BY: Attribution.
Wade Ellis and Denny Burzynski, Basic Operations with Real Numbers: Scientific Notation. September 17, 2013.Provided by: OpenStax CNXLicense: CC BY: Attribution.
Scientific notation.Provided by: WikipediaLocated at: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike.