Evaluating Logarithms
Learning Outcomes
- Evaluate logarithms with and without a calculator.
- Evaluate logarithms with base 10 and base e.
- We ask, "To what exponent must 7 be raised in order to get 49?" We know . Therefore, .
- We ask, "To what exponent must 3 be raised in order to get 27?" We know . Therefore, .
- We ask, "To what exponent must be raised in order to get ? " We know and , so . Therefore, .
tip for success
It may be tempting to use your calculator to evaluate these logarithms but try to evaluate them mentally as it will aid your understanding of what a logarithm is, and will help you navigate more complicated situations.How To: Given a logarithm of the form , evaluate it mentally
- Rewrite the argument x as a power of b: .
- Use previous knowledge of powers of b to identify y by asking, "To what exponent should b be raised in order to get x?"
Example: Solving Logarithms Mentally
Solve without using a calculator.Answer: First we rewrite the logarithm in exponential form: . Next, we ask, "To what exponent must 4 be raised in order to get 64?" We know Therefore,
Try It
Solve without using a calculator.Answer: (recall that )
Example: Evaluating the Logarithm of a Reciprocal
Evaluate without using a calculator.Answer: First we rewrite the logarithm in exponential form: . Next, we ask, "To what exponent must 3 be raised in order to get "? We know , but what must we do to get the reciprocal, ? Recall from working with exponents that . We use this information to write
Therefore, .
Try It
Evaluate without using a calculator.Answer:
[ohm_question]15905[/ohm_question]Using Common Logarithms
Sometimes we may see a logarithm written without a base. In this case, we assume that the base is 10. In other words, the expressions means We call a base- logarithm a common logarithm. Common logarithms are used to measure the Richter Scale mentioned at the beginning of the section. Scales for measuring the brightness of stars and the pH of acids and bases also use common logarithms.A General Note: Definition of the Common Logarithm
A common logarithm is a logarithm with base . We write simply as . The common logarithm of a positive number satisfies the following definition: For ,
We read as, "the logarithm with base of " or "the common logarithm of ."
The logarithm is the exponent to which must be raised to get . Since the functions and are inverse functions, for all and for .How To: Given a common logarithm Of the form , evaluate it using a calculator+
- Press [LOG].
- Enter the value given for x, followed by [ ) ].
- Press [ENTER].
Using Natural Logarithms
The most frequently used base for logarithms is e. Base e logarithms are important in calculus and some scientific applications; they are called natural logarithms. The base e logarithm, , has its own notation, . Most values of can be found only using a calculator. The major exception is that, because the logarithm of 1 is always 0 in any base, . For other natural logarithms, we can use the key that can be found on most scientific calculators. We can also find the natural logarithm of any power of e using the inverse property of logarithms.A General Note: Definition of the Natural Logarithm
A natural logarithm is a logarithm with base e. We write simply as . The natural logarithm of a positive number x satisfies the following definition: For ,We read as, "the logarithm with base e of x" or "the natural logarithm of x." The logarithm is the exponent to which e must be raised to get . Since the functions and are inverse functions, for all x and for .
How To: Given a natural logarithm Of the form , evaluate it using a calculator+
- Press [LN].
- Enter the value given for x, followed by [ ) ].
- Press [ENTER].
Example: Evaluating a Natural Logarithm Using a Calculator
Evaluate to four decimal places using a calculator.Answer:
- Press [LN].
- Enter 500, followed by [ ) ].
- Press [ENTER].
Try It
Evaluate .Answer: It is not possible to take the logarithm of a negative number in the set of real numbers.