The Mayan Numeral System
Learning Outcomes
- Become familiar with the history of positional number systems
- Identify bases that have been used in number systems historically
- Convert numbers between bases
- Use two different methods for converting numbers between bases
As you might imagine, the development of a base system is an important step in making the counting process more efficient. Our own base-ten system probably arose from the fact that we have 10 fingers (including thumbs) on two hands. This is a natural development. However, other civilizations have had a variety of bases other than ten. For example, the Natives of Queensland used a base-two system, counting as follows: “one, two, two and one, two two’s, much.” Some Modern South American Tribes have a base-five system counting in this way: “one, two, three, four, hand, hand and one, hand and two,” and so on. The Babylonians used a base-sixty (sexigesimal) system. In this chapter, we wrap up with a specific example of a civilization that actually used a base system other than 10.

Powers | Base-Ten Value | Place Name |
207 | 12,800,000,000 | Hablat |
206 | 64,000,000 | Alau |
205 | 3,200,000 | Kinchil |
204 | 160,000 | Cabal |
203 | 8,000 | Pic |
202 | 400 | Bak |
201 | 20 | Kal |
200 | 1 | Hun |
The Mayan Number System
Instead, we will focus on the numeration system of the “common” people, which used a more consistent base system. As we stated earlier, the Mayans used a base-20 system, called the “vigesimal” system. Like our system, it is positional, meaning that the position of a numeric symbol indicates its place value. In the following table you can see the place value in its vertical format.[footnote]Bidwell[/footnote]
What is the value of this number, which is shown in vertical form?
Starting from the bottom, we have the ones place. There are two bars and three dots in this place. Since each bar is worth 5, we have 13 ones when we count the three dots in the ones place. Looking to the place value above it (the twenties places), we see there are three dots so we have three twenties.
Hence we can write this number in base-ten as:
(3 × 201) + (13 × 200) = (3 × 201) + (13 × 1) = 60 + 13 = 73
What is the value of the following Mayan number?
Answer: This number has 11 in the ones place, zero in the 20s place, and 18 in the 202 = 400s place. Hence, the value of this number in base-ten is: 18 × 400 + 0 × 20 + 11 × 1 = 7211.
Try It
Convert the Mayan number below to base 10.
Answer: . Note that there is a zero in the 20’s place, so you’ll need to use the appropriate zero symbol in between the ones and 400’s places.